Friday, October 3, 2008


I found out my counts today. My white cell count is at 4.0, which is higher than the day I had chemo. Not sure what it means, but I'm not sick so it must mean something good. And the other count called neutrophil is 2.7 or so, which is also super good. To put it into perspective I am usually at around 3.0 for white cells and 1.9 or so for neutrophil. And on the day of chemo white cells were 2.9 and neutrophil was 1.7. Amazing? Divine is probably more like it. Wouldn't it be something if my CA125 was ZERO the next time I test for it.... HMM.
On a totally different note: When you see people who are obviously struck with cancer (the hat/scarf and no hair is always a give away) please talk to them like they are normal people. It makes my shopping trip so nice when someone just says something about clothes, or the food or the sale or anything- even if it is about our health. I would guess that most people would be not only receptive but so appreciative to feel normal for a moment. At Kohls today (I had so much fun) someone asked me if I knew of any place that had decent dresses and we just talked a bit about this new style we have to wear now.... Then the girl who rang me up told me about her neighbor who after 11 years cancer free (Breast) she just found out she has ovarian cancer. So we talked a bit. After I got back to my car I remembered I had a OC ribbon on my hat. So I went back in to give it to her for her neighbor. Remember to reach out because we are all suffering in one way or another. Go and LOVE!!
Love to you all,

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