Monday, June 11, 2012

Why I shouldn't blog on a bad day

I guess I don't get to choose too much in life, but I did get to choose to go to Chile with my two oldest children.  That was a good choice.  Of course God was totally in charge of it, allowing us to raise the $5000 needed for the 3 of us to go.  So many people to thank, so many people who used my business to help us get there too.

I would like to go back now.

My devotion said to give God control of my thoughts and he will give me life and peace.  Peace is but a faint light around the moon right now, and life seems, well, unlovely.  It's is funny tho how when you  are holed up in a place you don't want to be your mind stays focused on the reasons you are there.  All I can manage is a possible shower, sit on the couch and watch TV, falling into and out of sleep the whole day.  No baseball.  Did you hear that.  That one is killing me.  But my counts are quite low and I am trying to be a good girl.  And I  have been- just not with my thoughts.  But my thoughts are being held captive right now and the real, true and loving ones are just stuck underneath the rubble that is....

They'll be back soon....


  1. I could've SWORN that you told me not to let you blog right after chemo. ;)

    There are no words adequate enough to encourage you today my friend, so instead I'll pray--because that's true life anyway. I love you and will not stop praying for you. I respect you, and your heart immensely, and appreciate your willingness to live this journey out loud--God is using you despite your inner struggles. You're beautiful Vic. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.

    Heavenly Father, I pray that you would pour your healing touch over my friend Vicki tonight as she sleeps. Help her to take every thought captive and put it under the obedience of Christ. Father, help her to focus on all that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Help the light drown out the darkness, that she might know you in a more intimate way through this journey. I thank you that her present sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in her, because of you. God, I cry out for mercy for my friend, she needs to feel better. I pray life and peace over her body, that she will have energy, and that exhaustion would cease. God, thank you that the same spirit that rose Christ from the dead DWELLS IN VICKI--help her feel a tangible touch of your spirit now, in Jesus name, amen.

  2. See I did say that! now you know why! And today is a different and better day...


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