Wednesday, February 1, 2012

On the flip side

Since Sunday I have been just a bit consumed with how quickly life goes by us.  As Jayson and I were doing donuts on M53, which didn't look bad to me in that big truck, I realized that my precious little one was really in some possible trouble.  I know how to drive- I'm a really good driver.  But driving a truck and driving an all wheel drive are not the same my friends.  So there we were, circling around and I say to Jay hang on honey, something is going to happen, it's going to be ok.  LIAR!
I couldn't look at him at that moment of course because I was trying to right the truck, to no avail.  I think I let go of the wheel but kept my foot on the brake (yes, yes, I know... now....) and in we went to the middle berm and just toppled over.  My bible bag and all it's contents fell all over me and onto the window- sort of a funny thing.  You know, Gods word all over me and the truck.
Thankfully Jay was on the passenger side and the drivers side is what was now facing the ground.  I looked up at him and asked if he was ok.  Oh his precious face.  Ever seen that boy quiet?  He was shaking but said he was fine, and "It's ok mom, I have my 3ds.   It didn't fall."  His favorite possession at the moment.
Not a moment went by when there were several people at the scene making sure we were ok, asking questions.  I gave a thumbs up, not really believing we were so unhurt.  I am literally texting my friends at church, since they would be worried when I didn't show up.  As I was texting one person came to the windshield.  He was upright.  He looked so strange from my vantage point.  But I focused on his eyes, and got myself back to reality.  So Trevor helped talk me through some things to do.  They had me pop the back end and they went and got Jay first, of course.  Then I say, "I'm sorry, I'm not the lightest person on earth," and he says it's ok he is quite strong.  So ridiculous I am... But how sweet he was.  When I got out of the truck Jay was way over on the other side of the berm with a sweet mom and he was just looking at me like are you sure you're ok mommy.  So I went over and we hugged and I assured him I was fine, trying to make light of the overturned truck we had just walked out of.
The calvary was there very quickly, as there were 3 other accidents within a 2 mile distance.  I didn't get a ticket so I believe I didn't do anything reckless, thank God.  We did not go to the hospital even tho since the accident 10 years ago I always swore I would.  But we had nothing wrong at all.  Not to worry, the medical part is still open!  The paramedics talked to us for quite a while and waited until the tow truck came and then off they went to another accident scene.
Next came my girlfriends from church.  Now mind you I said I was in a crash.  Well, whatever.  Symantics.  They were more than a little sickened by the sight of the truck on its side.  We waited in the car until Tim got there.  My husbands truck.  It was good to see him.  And to be honest if that had happened in my car I know the hospital would have been our next stop!
One phrase has been teasing me- on the wings of a prayer.
Several people saw or were praying for me that morning.... HM.
I believe I might be the definition of on the wings of a prayer.  Or even Bon Jovi's 'Living on a prayer' song.  Makes me giggle a bit.
On the flip side, all your belongings fall on top of you and land at your side.  On the flip side you look up and your loved ones are suspended in air by the saving 'arms' of a seat belt.  On the flip side you walk on the edge where the door and windows come together to get out of the back of the truck.  On the flip side people just throw stuff out of your car to save you.  The flip side is looking ahead and seeing you are crooked and others are not.  The flip side makes you thankful for people teaching you to stand upright, to get your footing right, to help.  The flip side seems unreal, not in real time, feels like a dream or nightmare coming true.  I think I'm still a little flipped, but I am trying to figure out how to stand tall- with help and prayer and knowledge of what God does want from this flipped out lover of His soul.  He doesn't want me yet, obviously.  But I must say, I am tired of being on the flip side.  It's been a dwelling place these last few years- whether my own hard stuff or my family and friends hard stuff.  My balance is off and I am crooked.  He's got me tho:
Thank you Lord for keeping Jayson and me safe, that our truck hit nothing and hurt no one, and for the people you sent to help us.  Thank you for my friends and family who love me so much they would risk that drive to make sure they saw with their own eyes that we were ok.  And thank you for whatever you did to keep us unharmed.  Your hands or angels.  I praise you for that.  And thank you to the 2 friends that were praying at that moment.  That is amazing to know that you were asking them to pray and they did.  Thank you thank you.
Much love, but live right side up, will you please.  I need you to keep me from flipping again!



  1. You, my friend, are truly adored. I love your huge heart, and while you've been full of concern, and feeling a bit upended, you've handled it with such grace. You were certainly in the hands of God, that was a bad accident. I'm incredibly grateful that He had you, and still has you. I don't know what I'd do without you girl. You're my heart, and I love you deeply. :)
    Thank you Heavenly Father for keeping my friend safe.
    Thank you for being there, holding Jay, and even sending
    the ones you did to help. Thank you for never letting go
    of her, and for the way she honors you. Continue to hold her
    as she walks these week out--give her a fresh revelation of your
    great and abiding love. In Jesus name, Amen.

  2. While life and circumstance seem flipped all around, not making much sense at all, those who know you find it very apparent that your heart is upright in obedient alignment with the Sovereign One who sustains. So thankful for your protection...You surely are being held in His hands. And He's got a tight grip girl! Much love to you!


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