Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Talking a walk in North Carolina last week was so beautiful.  The sun was shining, something I hadn't seen in a while.  And it was a bit brisk out, but the sun, the birds and some greenery made it quite lovely.  My sister is a runner, so she was running the trails while I walked for a bit.

There was a river, Falls of Neuse River, that runs alongside the trail and since my body is behind schedule in the exercise/buff department I decided to take a little break.  I traipsed thru the brush to find a good log to sit on and just watched the water flow by.  I noticed some of the trees that had fallen into the river, others just hanging over ready to go down with the next good storm.  And then others that stood upright and strong.  But the best ones were the pricker trees, green with leaves.  Leaves with tiny prickles on the end of each curve.

So on the log I sat, listening to some praise and worship on the ipod, when No More Tears came on.  That's a song I want to put on Sweet Sue's celebration DVD.  But I got a bit teary.  As I looked at the river I envisioned my weeping as those trees that had fallen into the river, suffering as the trees ready to fall during the next storm, and the trees that stood upright as the praises from us to our God, our Jesus, our friend, our savior.

Then the pricker tree leaves intrigued me.  Beautiful and green, curved, yet at each curve was a thorn.

Considering the last few months of my life, including the lives of the people I love and adore and support with my heart, it's been less than awesome.

With every upward curve, a thorn.

Disease, death, death, death, divorce, friends with cancer, money, teen drama, hip and back pain, car accidents, weight gain, tests.... Just when I feel I'm on an upswing, that darn thorn is right there.  I feel like I am green and blossoming- then life throws the curves and that darn thorn is there.  Do I prick myself or do I trust?

John 6:39 MSG  This, in a nutshell, is that will: that everything handed over to me by the Father be completed-not a single detail missed-and at the wrap-up of time I have everything and everyone put together, upright and whole.
Ps 18:24  I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step.
Malachi 2:6  He taught the truth and did not lie.  He walked with me in peace and uprightness.  He kept many out of the ditch, kept them on the road. 
Ps 41:12  You know me inside and out, you hold me together, you never fail to stand me tall in your presence so I can look you in the eye. 
Ps 97:11  Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God's people, joy-seeds are planted in good heart-soil. 

Good heart soil is where joy is planted, but you can't have the joy without the light, without being one of God's people.  I spoke of being sideways in my last blog.  But I am realizing how important it is to keep upright, horizontal in our position, love and trust of Jesus.  Not  a single detail will be missed and when our time is up we will be completely put back together and whole and upright.

Circumstances will always be around and make us feel sideways, crooked, lopsided.  But we have a choice as to how we will stand in the middle of those circumstances.  We have a choice.  Notice he keeps many out of the ditch (pit) and on the road.   That river wasn't much more than a ditch.  Some of the trees fell in never to be rescued, others are on the brink and the rest are upright, perhaps protecting the others, perhaps certain of their purpose.

I've been all those trees, except the ones that don't get rescued.  And my life is a pricker tree leaf.  It's alive and beautiful, but has many curves and thorns in its design.  I choose to be the upright tree, protecting my friends and family from the inevitable worldly desires that creep so slowly into our lives. And I want to stop landing on thorns with every curve that life throws.  The curves should be expected.  And the thorns, well they are a choice.  I choose to use the thorns against the one who is trying to prick me-take that you devil you.

You get it? Explain it to me......

Much Love,



  1. Something I was reminded of today is that if I rely on my soul (my mind, will, and emotions) it will always fail me. However, if I dig down deep and get to reliance on the Spirit, it wont fail me. The soul-ish ways of me want so badly to supersede the Spirit of the Lord--because sometimes the Spirit is quiet. If I truly know who I am in Christ, I will trust in His ways, trust in the small still voice, and follow. My problem is, the thorns distract me. I get focused on them and, in a panic, stop there instead of digging to the root of the tree where life and strength exists. The reason the fallen trees met their demise is because their root system wasn't strong--one heavy wind came and BAM--done. I guess it's time to strengthen my foundation--not let the winds wave me all around. Not let the thorns distract me.

    This post hit me right where I'm at. Thank you for sharing your heart. It's ministering LIFE and HOPE. A definite spring in the wilderness of my walk. Truly. And thank you for being so patient. I've never had a friend like you. <3 I love you so.

  2. T hank you for these words. I have not been following your blog since you switched it but I'm yours now and will read often! I've , had a

    lot of thorns lately but yet feel His constant presence in my life. Sometimes to the point I am a bit dumbfounded. I'm so grateful because without my faith I would be in complete misery. So keep sharing your thoughts and we must get together again soon.

    Love Karen O

    1. Have a blast on your trip! Live and live and laugh and giggle and have that trip of a lifetime.
      And a get together is definitely a priority. Let me know when you're up to it. I'll come to PH.

  3. Vicki, I love reading your blogs, Dear Friend! They are so uplifting1 You have such a wonderful, positive outlook, and I know it is because of your faith and relationship with God. Please continue to share, minister, and give us all hope. Your life is a true testament to how God's power heals. I am so very blessed to know you and to get to reconnect with you! Love you! Winona

    1. Now if we could just actually get together..... Hope you are well Winona. Should I look for you in the mall when I am in PH??

  4. What a beautiful post with such great imagery. I couldn't help but think, no matter what the tree, whether fallen over, hanging over ready to go down, standing upright, or covered in thorns, each tree has received life from the river's water that feeds its roots. Their source is the same. Just as we receive living water from our Almighty God no matter what state we find ourselves in (fallen over, hanging by a thread, covered in thorns or standing upright). And our Source remains the same, unshifting, unchanging, and able to hold us upright when everything in the world is not.

    And I stand upright with you...those thorns are for the devil! (Makes me think of that old Sunday school song..."If the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack, ouch! Sit on a tack, ouch! Sit on a tack...If the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack, ouch! Sit on a tack today!) (I think that was verse 4...verse 1 may be "I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus, down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart, where? Down in my heart...I've got the love of Jesus love of Jesus down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart to stay!" ....Remember that one?!!!)

    Down devil down! Yes, VIcki, your life is alive and beautiful. You inspire and lead in truth and love, You are a blessing. Thank you!

  5. I do remember that sound. And I love your analogy. A whole different way to view it. Perhaps a blog update to be had- by either of us.
    Thank you friend.


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