Sunday, August 16, 2009

Love is an action

Love really is an action, not just a feeling. That is what I learned yesterday, and had the night to reflect on.
Love is an action when people bring you meals during a time of severe hardship.
Love is an action when you are able to help someone financially.
Love is an action when you drop everything to go and help someone whose car broke down.
Love is an action when you travel 5 hours to see a beautiful niece marry a great guy.
Love is an action when you choose to play in the water park with the kids instead of sitting at the table drinking coffee.
Love is an action when you volunteer your time to church or community outreach.
Love is an action when you reach out to teens.
Love is an action when you reach out to your own teen.
Love is an action when you choose to NOT yell at the one you love most.
Love is an action when you tell that love something difficult to hear with loving words and encouragement.
Love is an action when you work on keeping friendships vital and alive.
Love is an action when you walk for 3 days to raise money for cancer research. Next year, a personal action.
Love is an action when you obey- whether that is parents, spouses or Christ.
Love is an action when we do what we are being asked by our loving Father.
The greatest act of love is inconceivable to us all: giving the life of a child for the salvation of all who accept Him as Lord and Savior.
Love is a decision. Love is a feeling. Love is an action.
Today is all about Love and figuring out even more ways to show it.
Thank you for springing into action and showing my family more love than we knew was available to us.
Now go out and shock someone else with the love that is so deeply imbedded in your hearts.
Let Jesus be the light and the source of that Love you bring to others.

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