Monday, August 31, 2009


Courage hardly ever roars. It comes in quiet waves, from deep within the heart, urging it to continue on.
Courage is a strength, a choice, to have some peace, if for only a moment.
Courage is never continual, it is gradual and inconsistent. Courage is love for others, hope for self, and belief that faith is real.
Courage is hard work.
Courage does not sound like a lion, although it may look like a lion to others on the outside.
Courage is continuing to do what you know is right even in the face of adversity, or bad numbers, or no support, or a jerk of an ex husband.
Courage is following thru on your promises.
Courage is trusting, both people and God to meet your needs. Courage is being the hands and feet of God, even when it doesn't seem we have the energy or finances to do so.
Courage is fighting against all odds for the rest of the time God has for you here on Earth.
Courage is facing your immortality-I mean looking at its eyes and saying yes, I know you exist.
Courage is knowing that time will come.
Courage is not knowing when, how or why.
Courage is going every week for blood work and waiting for answers, every treatment waiting for the reactions, every fight waiting for the anger, every bill waiting for the money.
I see courage everywhere and it never is screaming loudly. It is silent and soft spoken, there for others to see if they take the time to look. The young mother with 3-4 kids at the store. COURAGE! The sister who leaves her abusive husband and fights for her kids. COURAGE. The mother of a child with learning problems like autism, CP, ADHD, OCD and all of that. COURAGE to let them go. Pastors who tell us some of what we need to change about ourselves, and themselves. COURAGE.
Courage is an inner battle between giving up and stepping up. Courage is that fight to regain control over your fear, even though you are accepting that there is no control. Courage is believing "Do not fear" and "Fear Not". Courage is meeting with that person you know is hurting but you feel you don't know what to say. Oh please, go to that person and do not fear the words you think are necessary. Sometimes silent support is what is needed. Go, not fearing conversation. That will come naturally, even in those unnaturally horrible circumstances.
Courage is living life. God gives us the grace to have courage. Jesus is our courage and fought the fight for us. All we need do is follow in his foot steps.
Be strong and courageous do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you.
I found my life verse yesterday. So many times it has been read, just proving that no matter how many times you read the Bible, because of life circumstances it will bring something new to the table.
Acts 20:24
I don't care about my own life. The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me- to tell people the Good News about God's grace.
Paul was one of the most courageous of all. Walking into danger with each new mission. Knowingly walking into danger. Maybe it is easier walking into it knowing it is there. Maybe it is easier having it thrust upon you unknowingly. I've done both now. Neither easy, both life changing.
But that is another story.

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