Thursday, May 10, 2012


A rainy week, both in my heart and in the weather.  My heart had a thunderstorm on Tuesday when I found out that I was going to have to get a port.  I did actually get to make the decision, so it was nice for me to have a moment of control.  The decision was easy tho.  Either I do it peripherally over 16 hours in the outpatient center of the hospital, with no nurses always in my view, with no one who knows me, or I could get the port and be where I am comfortable, know the nurses and they know me.  Where I know how to reach out to others.  Where I know my friends and family are accepted as well.  They expect a party when I come.  So, as happy as I was to not have a port, the only positive was not having a port.  All else fell under the 'con' category.  So I am ok with it.  Truly.

I called my friend who works at Troy Beaumont radiology and she got me all hooked up and tomorrow at 10 is when I get my new appendage.  However I learned that this one might be more friendly, with no bumps and sits under my skin more.  That takes away some of the dread.

So it was a bit stormy on Tuesday for me.  Then yesterday there were 2 baseball games, one for each boy.  Austin at 4, which they won! And Jay at 6:30.  You remember yesterday right- all nice and beautiful until baseball is about to start!  That just is how it goes with this sport I swear.  So I spent some time watching from the car, being I'm allergic to rain and all.  In the last innings of the game we noticed a rainbow.  Very pretty.  The game continued and at the end the brightest rainbow I had seen in a while was in the sky.

The great promise, to never flood the earth again.  I wonder if that could extend to our hearts and lives.  What do you think?  A promise to never destroy us by flooding us with too much.  A promise to always extend the grace and mercy needed each day to handle the big and small things.  A promise to never leave us even when it feels like He's nowhere to be seen.  My friends, I think it might be true. I mean we are part of the earth after all.  He has many verses telling us not to be anxious, that he's got us lifted up and protected by his righteous right hand.  I think we are safe from the floods of life too.  We just have to recognize them, offer them to God to handle, and then let Him.  No easy task, I am well aware.  And not a task that is instant either.  That's ok.  Processing is ok and necessary.  Staying in the darkness is not productive or Godly.

That bright rainbow made my heart feel a little lighter.  I want it to make you feel lighter too, if you are feeling heavy because of my recurrence of cancer.  Certainly it sucks.  Certainly you can be mad for a day or so... but then hold on to the promise that my heart can not be flooded to the point of despair.  He's promised he'd never flood the earth again.  It's a stretch, but I can see the connection.  Can you?  What do you think about it?  Tell me.  Comment please.

Rainbows, hope, grace, mercy and peace.

Be filled with peace today friends.



  1. John 16:33
    I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

    He has overcome. Overcoming is ours in Christ, we just have to do it! :) I know sometimes I get stuck on stuff, but Vic, I always get out--never staying in the pit too long. I know the promises God has for us. He never leaves. He is for us and not against us. He has made us overcomers in Christ. Slowly what is always in my head works it's way to my heart and peace happens. This I promise you, I will be strong in Him for you. Waiting on Him, knowing that the strength is rising. Every little (and BIG) thing is gonna be okay. I love you, and I admire your heart and mind. <3

  2. That's beautiful Vicki...such spiritual truths in this imagery. I hadn't really thought of it in that way before (the flooding of heart and life vs. the actual flooding of earth). The rainbow. His promise to us, and a great reminder that He indeed always keeps His promises. He is triumphant; and will be over this trial. And you will be too...because on Christ the solid Rock you stand! All other ground is sinking sand (and territory certain for flooding). So cling to your Rock, the Giver of rainbow, mercy, grace & hope. You inspire me with your strength and outlook. Beautiful, you are.


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