Sunday, July 24, 2011

That Chemo

Well, I guess it's time I fess up about the last chemo session I had on Tuesday. It was all normal (whatever) until about 3:00 when Shelly asked me about my eyes, which were red on the inside lids. I said they were fine, but then less than a minute later my head had some weird feelings, like smooshing in on itself and then my hands started itching like crazy. Turns out that is the most common sign of an allergic reaction for carboplatin. The nurses yelled "Vicki cant' have carbo anymore" and the unplugging of the chemo and the addition of benedryl and hydrocortizone and more zolfran made for one very exciting few minutes. I had a a red stripe from the back of my neck to my chest making me look like a skunk really. Quite strange. Course I had to pee, but couldn't until I could focus again. When I saw myself in the mirror- oh my.... So that's the real story. And it wasn't fun and it is still bugging me I think. Been more tired and more queasy than usual.
Now I did get really freaked because I thought the reaction meant I was rejecting the chemo- which wouldn't be good of course. But after talking to 3 people (yes, I'm serious) I found out that this reaction happens to everyone who gets carboplatin, either at the first treatment or sometime after the 6th. The one on tuesday would be my 8th. So the next drug they would use they think is cysplatin.
So as the story goes, I did get most of the carbo which is good I hope. Since I didn't get my complete treatment I don't really know what that means. I have a CT scan on the 8th and an appt. on the 11th so I will know more then. Until then life goes on with the Willey reunion here on the 6th, my mom's family reunion on the 20th in Chicago. Then, if we have to, another chemo that next week.
Altho that day was very unpleasant I have had a sense of peace I hadn't felt yet. I call it- whatever. Ingenious isn't it. I figure the allergic reaction happened for a reason. Maybe it isn't the right chemo. Maybe the cancer is gone so I didn't need anymore. Whatever. It happened, it was scary and surreal. And it makes it all the more mysterious and sucky.
So that's the story. My prayer request is obvious. I ask that the cancer be gone and that God heals me- physically and emotionally. And, I'd love you to post healing scripture in the well wishes. I've written a few down, but....
Thanks for coming with me. And thank you mom for staying and doing all the small stuff, and for refinishing my table and chairs. They look marvelous.

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