Thursday, July 12, 2012


Finally the weather has given me a chance to get outside.  We had a family weeding day on Sunday after church.  I am in a significant amount of pain with this darn chemo and it is keeping me from doing things I could do 3 months ago.  So now the kiddos have to help, and can't complain because then I get to pull the pain card.  I don't really like to do that.  So while Jayson was weeding for the first time I looked at the Whisteria tree and decided I needed to tame it.  The blooms are about to blossom and one of my favorite smells of summer is that beautiful purple flower.

The vines are totally out of control.  They criss cross over and around and under and everywhere.  So I started at the bottom where the vines were really just growing along the ground.  That was easy.  Then I looked closer and found some vines that were dead, so I pruned those away.  As I was pulling some of those dead vines away I saw that altho some of the vine looked dead, the other end had new growth on it.  Thankfully I didn't prune away any flowers.  So I just kinda kept going but, as is usual, my mind got caught up in some thoughts about pruning the dead vines that were alive.

We learn in the Bible that we will be pruned so that we can bare much fruit- the fruit of the spirit.  Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.  We learn that sometimes we need to continue pruning ourselves so that we can become more fruitful.  And I got to wondering: Is it possible to prune ourselves too quickly?  Like those vines I pruned that looked dead but really had new growth, do we prune something away that is sprouting new growth that will become beautiful?  When we prune something that hinders our relationship with Jesus do we give it enough time to be gone, for the new growth to begin to change us and make us beautiful, before we prune the next thing.  I wonder if that is a way to keep ourselves from facing our weaknesses and strengths.  If we just keep pruning without looking for the new growth, without learning how to be that new person, we never really have to come to grips with the changes happening within our hearts. Just another form of avoidance.

We tend to call it processing time.  It's that time when we talk it out with friends, pray about what is ugly inside of us, and realize that it is time to make a change for the better, to better our witness, to better our relationship with Jesus which will ultimately better us.  I am guilty of saying I'm processing when really I am busy cleaning or working or having fun so I don't have to face 'it'.  Like this recurrence again this spring.  I cannot get to the other end of the vine where the new growth and better relationship is.  I'm very viney, with thoughts, mostly bad, mostly unedifying, mostly negative, stringing themselves around each other until they are tangled up.  I'm just a dead vine.  I don't have Peace, and I'm pretty sure Patience is not one of my top 10 best qualities.  And Faithful- I don't know. I don't feel faith filled sometimes.  Maybe I am just one of those wandering vines I pruned from the ground.  Unsure of where I should go, how I should feel, how not to worry, how not to think the worst.

And the big difference this time is the pain element.  That is what is bringing my spirit down, making me feel unfit to fight this fight-again.  Me, in pain, in each and every joint, that has been known to bring me to tears makes for a strange Vicki.  Because Vicki goes, and goes, and goes.  And right now if I do that, the pain is worse.  So I have to figure out how to manage it, and how to manage a less active life.  And quite frankly, that makes me mad.  So bitterness is something I am trying to prune along with trying to grow some Peace about this body of mine.  I'm getting tired of redefining myself- my physical self.

Maybe the scent of the Whisteria will help to sooth my soul.



  1. So, I think I read this post right after it was posted at 12:30, and I've been working on a comment in response to what you've written since then; but now that it's quarter to three, I can't put my thoughts into coherent sentences--so I copy/pasted it into a word doc and will come back to it after I've slept and prayed a bit.

    What I will say is that you are never far from my thoughts, and what happens in your mind and heart really matters to me. I'm thankful you have a place to spill it all out, and I'm blessed to be able to read some of the things you're pondering.

    You are beautiful Vicki. And you become more and more stunning as the Father continues to prune you; and while you may feel like a dead vine, really, you're just feeling the pain of the sheers of the Master Gardener--the pruning (in John 15 Jesus tells the parable of the vine and branches, the word pruning actually means "cleaning" in Greek) WILL produce more fruit.

    There's much much more, but I want to wait on it for a while.
    I love you deeply and will not stop praying for you my precious friend.

  2. Pruning of Thee
    By Michael Steven Snydery

    I thought that a poem
    would be good at this time
    to bring out a truth
    to write out a rhyme...
    Like a dance on a page
    to see something new
    like a dawn in the mind
    to bring it to view...

    The believer today
    will have many a test
    the trial, the heartache
    the leaving the nest...
    The testings of fire
    the moldings of clay
    the pruning of life
    day after day...

    At the gate of your heart
    if bitterness be
    from the testing of fire
    and the pruning of thee...
    Remember the past
    God meeting your need
    He works on the heart
    and puts in the seed...

    There's reward for the life
    and great it will be
    from the results of the fire
    and fruit from the tree...

    Great value you have
    in the eyes of the King
    great worth He has placed
    in the simplest thing...
    TRUST in the LORD
    with all of your heart
    not money or things
    should keep you apart...

    For the LORD He is high
    and forever will be
    which brings one to ponder
    What can man do for me...?
    It's a choice to be faithful
    it's a choice to stay free
    it's a choice to let God
    do the pruning in thee...

    Long life He will give
    many times you will see
    the workings of God
    in His Salvation for thee...
    Like a dance on a page
    we will read in the end
    God: Redeemer, Provider,
    Father, and Friend...

  3. I wish you could see yourself as others see you. Your heart is beautiful and I see much fruit in your life. Your also "normal" in that, the emotional battle that wars inside you is to be expected with the storms you've had to and continue to walk through. You're only human Vicki. The difference is, you aren't settling for this to be "ok" or the norm. You are waging war against these things that are holding you back. I see you surrendering them over regularly. You don't stew or marinate in it...but you fight back. You give it to Him. The One who searches your heart, sees the ugly and lovingly prunes, and sees the beauty and continues to use you as a light that points others to Him. You have 2 wars going on now. One of the mind and one of the body. You my friend are the mightiest princess warrior I have ever met. Your transparency, vulnerability, authenticity and strength make your life a beautiful blooming garden, with scents much sweeter than that of wisteria...for Jesus is the aroma you wear. I love you very much. I hate the pain that His pruning brings to you. But I'm confident His love in you is abounding more and more in knowledge and depth of insight...making you able to discern what is best and making you pure and blameless in Christ Jesus. When I see you Vicki, I see vibrant life.


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